Whale Calling Corroboree from David Clark on Vimeo.
Sharing Culture Advisors Miliwanga Wurrben and Margaret Katherine conduct a whale calling corroboree at Byron Bay Lighthouse in Australia. Julian Silburn plays mago (didjeridu) accompanied by Jeshua Ball on clapsticks. Shot on an iPhone 6 during the Earth Treasure Vase Cultural Sharing Tour in October, 2015.
Miliwanga adopted me into her family after my visit to Katherine in June this year, so I am very proud to say that I am a Rembarrnga man of the Mirratja group. Margaret Katherine is also my Yappa (sister). Julian has been adopted by Margaret and Miliwanga's family so he is my nephew. He has recently become a Sharing Culture Advisor.
Miliwanga adopted me into her family after my visit to Katherine in June this year, so I am very proud to say that I am a Rembarrnga man of the Mirratja group. Margaret Katherine is also my Yappa (sister). Julian has been adopted by Margaret and Miliwanga's family so he is my nephew. He has recently become a Sharing Culture Advisor.